Tuesday, July 19, 2016

I want to sell my car. How do I calculate its value?

I want to sell my car. How do I calculate its value?

When selling a semi-new, used or 'second hand' auto, success will depend much of its value. Please note some factors.
Quoting an Auto Seminuevo

The supply of semi-new cars is huge and if our vehicle is sold fast we can make our offer attractive through right price both for you and for the future buyer.

One of the things we must keep in mind is that the factors that determine the price of our semi-new car are its age and mileage. Keep in mind that a new car depreciates from the moment it leaves the dealership.

If we get a good price for our used car, we offer where over age three to five years. This time is considered the ideal, since the mechanical properties are still maintained in good condition and mileage does not affect both the value of the car.

We must remember that the higher the age of the child car will be the value you can get. We must bear in mind that during the first year of the vehicle is 20% of its original price depreciates. Within two years, their value fell by 15%, with reference to the reduced value of the first year, and when our car reaches three years, its price depreciates by 12% of the amount already devalued the second year.

Now, not all semi-new cars depreciate in the same way. Brands that devalue less are the least sold. Luxury vehicles is slower than a standard auto depreciate, because a rich does not buy you another rich, preferring to buy another car.

If all these data we can not yet know how to value our semi-new car, we can go to the local engaged in this area to provide us with this information, such as insurance companies offering appraisal services.

Achieving the right price for our semi-new car will help us complete a successful transaction for both parties and we sell our fastest vehicle.

1 comment:

  1. Hicarbyecar

    The attraction of selling your car on your own boils down to one thing: you have a chance to make more money. What more reason do you need?
